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Facts and Questions


Q: What is the duration and cost of a session?

A: A session is 45-50 minutes and ranges between 400 - 480 NIS (117-140 US$, 106-118 Euros).


Q: Can I make the payment using a credit card?

A: Yes. You can pay online via pay now button (below) after the first session.


Q: What if I cancel-do I still need to pay?

A: 48 hour notice prior to the meeting time is requested, otherwise you will be asked to cover the session.

Q: Is the meeting in English or Hebrew?

A: The meeting can be either in English or Hebrew, based on your preference.


Q: What if I prefer having the meeting in my home?

A: Yes--The sessions can take place in the privacy of your home. 


Q: Do you do couples therapy too?

A: Yes.


Q: Do you do phone therapy (e.g., via skype) too?

A: Yes.  There are many benefits to tele-therapy:

* No gas costs
* No travel time
* You can be anywhere in the world - (please use a landline if possible for better clarity of the call)
 * No need to leave the comfort of your own home/office space

Please phone me at the time of your telephone therapy appointment. A confirmation of your purchased telephone therapy session will be automatically sent to your e-mail address


Q: Via phone-therapy can I schedule a session that is less than an hour?

A: Yes.  When you pay for your agreed phone session (you can choose your price options for 25 minutes, or 50 minutes) via electronic payment methods.


Click on the PayPal menu below and select the most suitable method for you. Please remember to pay at least half an hour before your agreed session.





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